Chanukah Events 2013 - 5773

Chanukah in Chocolate Land
Paint the giant 7 foot chocolate Menorah!
Donut decorating
Make your own menorah
Chocolate Fondue Fountain
Gelt Toss
Dreidel Guessing Competition
Light Buffet Dinner
Lots of Fun!
Sunday Dec. 1, 4-6pm | 2823 Roslyn St
Cost $10/Person, $40/Family
Chanukah Celebration at the Northfield Mall
Take a break from your Black Friday Shopping!
Menorah Craft
Dreidel Guessing Competition
Menorah Lighting
Chanukah Carolers singing
Face Painting
And More...
Friday Nov. 29, 3:15pm
Sponsored by the Shops at Northfield Stapleton
Light it Up at CU Anschutz
Celebrate Chanukah on campus with fellow Jewish students.
Delicious refreshments and great company!
Monday, Dec. 2 | 5:15pm
Join us on Facebook for more info

The Jewish Women's Circle Presents:
The Feminine Side of Chanukah
Explore the significance of women in the Chanukah miracle.
Celebrate the miracle of oil by creating your own beautiful decorative oil bottle.
Tuesday, November 19 6:30 PM
At the home of Amy Nacht
(Address will be sent when you register)
Suggested Donation $10
Click Here to Register
The Jewish Women's Circle is dedicated to the loving memory of Sara Bas R' Tzvi

Chanukah Class:
The Need for Jewish PR
Why Jews Must Engage the World
Faced with endless persecution, Jews either assimilated or segregated: Today there is no persecution, and it’s time for a new path. The message of the menorah sheds light on our challenge to be a part of society, but to not be consumed by it.
Instructor: Rabbi Mendel Popack
When: Monday Nov. 25 | 7:30 pm
Where: 8380 E. 29th Ave.
Suggested Donation - $8
To Register, Email: